Steve (Tony) Habovstak – WA7KKN

February 11, 1945 – March 18, 2017

Tony Habovstak, WA7KKN, of Layton passed away on Saturday, March 18th, 
from cancer.  He is survived by his wife, Barbara.

A Memorial is scheduled for Friday, March 24th, from 9:00 a.m. until 
10:50 a.m., with funeral services at 11:00 a.m.  Both will be held at 
the Chelsie Park 2nd Ward (Major Meadows) Chapel, 2150 S 800 E, Clearfield.

Tony was active on HF and in the Layton West District MESH.  He loved to 
ragchew on HF phone.  Tony had recently retired from the railroad safety 
industry.  He was an engineer who owned his own design and manufacturing 
company which built emergency braking systems for trains.

He will be missed!


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