We are excited to be able to support the 2020 ARRL Field Day in a couple of different ways to accommodate as many Club Members and those that are just looking into Amateur Radio. If interest supports it, we will be setting up a few radios at a local church that club members and guests of the club can operate HF radios. We also encourage club members who are going to operate at home to affiliate their submissions with the Club. To further increase our reach throughout the community, the Club will be posting 15-30 minute presentations throughout Field Day weekend on different Amateur Radio Topics. These presentations will be pre-recorded by our members and posted throughout the weekend on our website, YouTube Channel and other Social Media outlets. Check back to this Page for more information as we get closer to FIELD DAY!!!
-Larry Claussen
Field Day 2020 Location
The Club will be setting up the War Wagon, Radios and Antennas in the parking lot of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Centerville. The address is 1131 South Main Street, Centerville, UT 84014.
We would like to THANK Hall and Anne Blankenship for arranging this location for us to use.
Sign-up to Operate
This year we are going to have a simple sign up to operate the radios. This will help us with social distancing AND also ensure that someone will be there when we set all the equipment up (if no one signs up we won’t have a club operating location). To Sign Up Please CLICK HERE and be taken to a Signup sheet. If the times you want to sign up are already taken, feel free to come by anyway. We will rotate you in!
Sign-up to Record a Presentation
As part of our Ongoing Community Outreach we would like to build a library of Presentations that our Community can view as they learn about the Hobby. If you are interested in recording a presentation that we will host on our sites and distribute via the internet, please SIGN-UP HERE. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to record your video We can Help! Just outline what you want to present, create a PowerPoint or however you want to get this out there. Minimum system requirements is some kind of digital camera and microphone. An IPhone OR Laptop computer with built in Camera and Microphone works just fine.
Field Day takes more then just jumping on the radio. The Club is diligently working to attracted new radio enthusiasts and Field Day is a great way to do it. But we NEED YOUR Help! Currently we are looking for help to:
- Setup Antennas on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning
- Setup radios on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning
- Someone to move and setup the port-a-jon on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning
- Help with cleaning up at the end of the event
- Help taking down Antennas
- Help taking down radios and tables
- Control Operators for the ENTIRE event (this can be done in shifts so one person doesn’t have to be there the entire time)
- Operators (both Licensed and NON-licensed)
- Presentations that can be recorded ahead of time for posting during the event
- DON’T FORGET TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS. This won’t be a success if we don’t get the word out. Please tell your friends and POST it to your social media channels OR invite other interested people you know.
If you are able and interested in helping with ANY of these items OR have other ideas of how you can help please contact a club officer by clicking on this link
Logging Software
It is very important that during this event we log our contacts. The CLUB will be using the call sign K7DAV on site. If you are going to participate from home OR on your own at another location, the ARRL will allow you to add your contact to our Clubs contacts. Check out the ARRL Field Day rules to learn how to associate your contacts with the Club.
The Software the Club will be using for this event is N3FJP. For information on this software please check out their website at https://www.n3fjp.com/fieldday.html
2020 Field Day Rules
As with any Radio Event there are some rules that you will need to know to participate in this event. To find the Rules and a lot more information please check out the ARRL website at http://www.arrl.org/field-day
COVID-19 Precautions
The Club is very aware of the COVID-19 pandemic and we want you to be safe and healthy. We encourage you to take the steps you feel necessary to keep yourself safe and healthy. We are encouraging participants at field day to:
- Wear a face mask
- Practice Social Distancing
- Wash your hands frequently
- Follow any requirements or regulations as set forth by the local governing authorities
The club will be also be providing cleaning products appropriate for use on the radios, computers and other equipment that we will be using.
2020 Field Day Schedule
This schedule has not been finalized yet. Please check back soon for more information.