2021 Feed Utah – After Action Report

This report was submitted by Anne Blankenship (KC7RAG) —

Many thanks to everyone for braving the cold and rain! Total man hours spent came to 44 and 3/4 (at least!). Thanks to Farmington Fire (thanks, Guido!) for providing shelter at that site. (Pictures coming, hopefully.) Thanks to Jeremiah for shadowing Rebekah at the pantry. She told Hall that a shadow was a great idea and she appreciated it very much! Thanks to Greg Lundell who spent 5 hours moving thousands of pounds by pallet jack! Total poundage far surpassed any previous collections and you all helped it happen.

If you have any comments about what worked or what didn’t or suggestions for future events, please pass them along. We always want to improve wherever we can.

Other than some confusion on my part when I was not aware of plans in place at the pantry, my only complaints had to do with noise, mainly from the forklift (we needed to be near the action), and some difficulty hearing transmissions from other locations. Handhelds were clear most of the time and I am blaming some of my difficulty on mask-muffling. (But thanks for following COVID protocols.) My apologies for any frustration.

The record total poundage Saturday came to 158,821 pounds. Yet to be collected and weighed are gaylords from four other collection sites. The final total may reach as high as 165,000 pounds.

Anne Blankenship  KC7RAG 

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