THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2021 10:15am
Hi All,
ARES will be participating in The Great Utah Shakeout Exercise next Thursday at 10:15am.
The purpose of this exercise is to practice earthquake response protocol and ARES response protocol and standard operating procedures. Also, to encourage us to think about how we can be better prepared and have a better response in an actual quake.
At 10:15am, we will have an imaginary 6.9 earthquake in our area. Please practice:
1. Drop, Cover & Hold On
2. When the shaking is over, check on family and pets or co-workers if at work.
3. Check your surroundings for fallen objects, bookshelves and displaced furniture, etc.
4. Check for gas leaks and/or water leaks and hot water heaters.
5. Check the structure of your home or building both inside and outside for cracks or more serious damage.
6. Check on neighbors if you find considerable damage.
7. FIND YOUR RADIO AND CHECK IN ON 147.420. If you are the first one on the frequency, you are designated net control until the ARES Emergency Coordinator responds or an Assistant Emergency Coordinator responds. Listen to instructions and respond when asked to do so.
For this exercise, I will call roll for the ECCs and EOCs and hospital radio rooms. AECs, if you can not participate, please designate someone to call in for you. It is not required to be on site due to covid interference. I will then ask for check-ins from ARES members and anyone else who would like to participate.
90% of Utah’s population lives in active earthquake zones.
The USGS states that a 7.0 or greater quake in our area is not an if but a when!
Please read the attached flyers prior to the exercise.
This exercise is also meant to encourage us to secure furniture and objects in our homes that can fall and cause injury. Please check your homes and secure objects and furniture as needed.
For information and tips on earthquakes, text Utahquake to 433622.
Thank you all for your continued participation in ARES and ARES exercises.
Joan K6QJU