DCARC conducts official W5YI VE test sessions four times a year in March, June, September and December. Testing is always scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm. These tests are normally conducted at the Clearfield City Offices on the 2nd floor. The address is 55 South State, Clearfield, UT. Pre-registration for these sessions is required at http://www.hamstudy.org. This site also explains fees and ID requirements.
If you are ready to take a test sooner than one of our scheduled exam sessions, you can probably find another session conducted elsewhere in your area.
DCARC Testing Sessions
Clearfield City Offices
Wednesday, September 2, 2020 – 6:30 pm
We request that you to pre-register for these testing sessions. You can do this by registering at the HAM STUDY website https://hamstudy.org/sessions/
What to bring with you…
To test at our testing sessions please remember to:
1) Pre-register for a testing session at https://hamstudy.org/sessions/
2) Bring payment for the testing session
3) Bring 2 forms of ID including one with a picture
4) A four function calculator
5) If you are UPGRADING your license you will need to bring a COPY of your current FCC license. We will be KEEPING this copy so don’t bring your original.