January Club Meeting – January 14, 2023

Some Ham Radio and DX History
We would like to welcome Ron Wilcox – KF7ZN who will be presenting to us “Some Ham Radio and DX History”.
This presentation is a fun, non-technical look back at the beginnings of ham radio and how DXing was a part of that. We will start in the late 1800’s and end in the 1960’s. We will touch on the influence of the military, government, clubs, etc., including the friendly but strong competition between England and the U.S. for the first transatlantic contact. Five important figures in the history of DXing are highlighted. Much of this is from a humorous and personal perspective of the individuals involved.
Our meeting will be held at 10:00 am on Saturday, January 14, 2023. We will be meeting at the Davis County Sheriff’s Department, located at 800 W State Street, Farmington, UT 84025. Please enter the building from the NORTH side of the building. You are able to park in the employees parking on the north side of the building.

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