Good morning all!
Don’t forget that tomorrow we have our March Club Meeting. This meeting will be held via ZOOM and information on how to log in or listen from your phone can be found on our website at www.dcarc.net
I also wanted to update you that our topic has changed. Mike Groves will still be our presenter but he will be presenting on the NanoVNA and how it can be used as a <$100 very accurate antenna analyzer.
We will continue to work on getting a presentation on the Intertie. Sorry for the change, but THANK You to Mike for a fast pivot!
See you tomorrow via ZOOM,
Our next Club Meeting will be Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 10:00 am via ZOOM. We will hear from Mike Groves – KD7MG, who will talk to us about the Intermountain Intertie.
For information on how to attend this club meeting you can find the link at HamClubOnline in the Files section OR complete click on the Button below to be taken to a web form. By completing the webform you will be emailed the ZOOM link. For members who are unable to attend the virtual meeting via the internet, please complete the form and information will be sent to you on how to connect to the meeting via an audio telephone bridge.