Technician Class!!!

Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 1800-2000 at the Layton City offices in the basement training room beginning on 15 FEB 2023. The actual instruction will be for five weeks. We anticipate that the Technician Class licensing exam will be available on the sixth week at the same location.

We will be using the instructional materials authored by Stu Turner, W0STU.

If you would like to purchase the book we will be using prior to the class please go to the following,

You may also purchase the book from the Davis County Amateur Radio Club bookstore during our monthly meeting. The book will also be available on class evenings.

The next DCARC meeting will be on 11 FEB 2023 from 1000-1200 at the Davis County Sheriff’s facility. Use the north entrance and parking lot.

For more information please contact Chuck Killian

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