The 5 Canyons Challenge

The 5 Canyons Challenge is put on by the Wheels of Justice group and the ride supports several great charities in Salt Lake and Utah – Prevent Child Abuse UtahFriends of the Salt Lake County Children’s Justice Center, “and Justice for all,” and the Utah Domestic Violence Coalition.
All of these charities work to prevent and care for the victims of child abuse. 

We are really in need of SAG and Shuttle drivers, as well as 3 – 6 more bicycle mobile operators to act as SAG in the areas of the course where we can’t have motor vehicles.

Beside helping out for a really good cause,this is your opportunity to use your radios in a real world, real time unscripted situation so that you’ll be able to help when “the big one” hits.  We are expecting to have to use multiple repeater frequencies, as well as simplex to cover this whole route and that means there’s going to be the opportunity to do message forwarding as well as your regular assignments.  You want hands on exercises and training, here it is.

If you are a member of Salt Lake County ARES the EC (Dan Lundwall) is asking you to help out with this one as well as I am .  He says this will be a great opportunity for ARES members to work on a more difficult assignment and see how well their equipment can handle it.
So, please, if you have Saturday, September 25th available please sign up at this link:

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