This year marks the 10th anniversary for this ride. This ride starts in Payson, goes through a large area of southern Utah County as well as northern Juab County.
If you are available on Saturday, September 14th, please consider volunteering to help out with this ride, it’s a good opportunity to get real world hands on experience working with your radio and folks from other groups.
The positions we still need filles are: 3 Rest Stop Comms, 4 – 5 SAG Driver Comms (the ability to carry 1 – 2 riders and bikes, will stay on course), 1 – 2 Shuttle Driver Comms (the ability to carry 3 or more bikes and riders from rest stops to start/finish), 1 Staff Shadow, 2 Motorcycle Mobile Ride Leads, 3 Bicycle Mobile Ride Marshals
To volunteer for this event please follow this link