7QP (7th Area QSO Party) Saturday, May 4-5, 2019

We would d like to invite you to participate in the 13th annual running of the 7QP (7th Area QSO Party) which will take place on Saturday, May 4-5, 2019. It begins at 7:00 a.m. and ends on Sunday morning at 1:00 a.m.

In the few years since the first running in 2006 we have grown to be the 3rd largest state QSO party and had over 6200 stations participating last year. There are three other QSO parties running that same weekend, so there is a great flurry of activity all weekend.

Contesters are serious about the event, but casual operators can really enjoy spending a few minutes or hours time operating as well. It is a fine opportunity to operate from home or from a friends shack as a small team. There are classes for Phone, CW and Digital ops, High Power, Low Power and QRP, Portable and Mobile operation.

Many portable operations take place from very desirable counties or from popular 2, 3 or 4 county lines. Good practice for ARRL Field Day. Many county hunters are looking for the rare or less activated counties out here in the west, and they follow mobile stations as they move through the rare to work counties and work them again and again.

We appreciate everyone who helps out by operating for even a short time during the contest. All the details for 7QP are found at www.7qp.org. And, I am available to answer questions by email, text or phone. Please call on me for any assistance I can give.

Darryl Hazelgren K7UT


Utah Captain for 7QP

Great Salt Lake Contest Club

ARRL Utah Section

Section Manager: Melvin T Parkes, NM7P


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