Sept. 20-22, 2019
The venue: the convention facility at the Isleta Resort and Casino, conveniently located just off of I-25, south of Albuquerque’s airport.
We will have approximately 14 tables set up in the Grand Foyer for clubs that would like to share their activities and experiences with a wider group of hams. These tables are available at no charge.
To ensure that as many clubs as possible get a chance to take part, we’re “hot bunking” tables again this year in shifts, with a four-hour minimum, one table per club. A four-hour shift may work better for smaller clubs; longer shifts boost your visibility. The tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
For club-table rules and to register for a table, visit the Clubs page on the convention website at
We look forward to seeing you! 73,
Board of Directors New Mexico Hamvention, Inc.
Our mailing address is: New Mexico Hamvention, Inc. P.O. Box 30394 Albuquerque, NM 87190-0394