The Davis County Amateur Radio Club Elmer Fest is Saturday, August 12th starting at 8:00am! What is an Elmer Fest? It is an opportunity for you to ask questions, get ideas and get help from some of the Club Elmers. An Elmer is a Ham who is willing to help and share their information with you. We will have Elmers talking about CW, Digital Operations, Programming Radios, and MORE. So come on down and visit with us.
Here are the details. The Elmer Fest will be at the Park next to the Centerville Library
Porter-Walton Park
95 S 400 W, Centerville, UT 84014
8:00 am – Noon
See You There!
Hi Folks,
Well, the upcoming Elmer Fest is looking like a lot of fun. We are going to start at 8am
with “Breakfast by Chuck”, I hear that pancakes and bacon might be on the menu. The
“HF station in a box” will be present for those wanting to try their hand at making or
hearing some SSB contacts. We will have the “BOT” available for tours and questions.
There will be club members ready, willing and able to help answer questions about Ham
Radio and specific areas like FT8. We will have some “Anderson Power Poles” and a
crimping tool available, so if you need some leads terminated, bring them along and we
can make that happen. (The club has the Power Poles available for sale if you need
them.) We hope to have some “Mesh” demonstration as well as someone to answer
questions on this area of our hobby. We typically have members proficient in
programming radios present and we know of several websites to help out with these
and other questions.
Please remember, there are more subsets of Ham Radio than we have members in the
club. We won’t/can’t have someone available for every area of interest, but we will have
sign in sheets where you can identify those areas YOU are interested in, as well as
sign in sheets identifying those in the Club who are willing to be Elmers. The recent
survey has helped identify some of those areas as well as some of our club members
willing to help out. Thanks to those who took the time to fill out the survey. As the Elmer
Coordinator, I’ll try and match up the folks with questions with the right folks with the
One item that has come up in conversation lately is “Should we do some sort of class
for our new Licensed club members?” It’s not unusual for folks to say, OK, I have my
license, now what do I do????? Maybe, if there is enough interest, we could get a few
Elmers together and put on a “Hands on” class that could touch on a few different
areas. Let me know if this is of interest…Hope to see you on Saturday the 12 th of
73 de KC1EO.
Bill McGowan – Elmer Coordinator