This Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 10:00am we will be holding our next Club Meeting. This meeting will be held at the Davis County Sheriff’s Department!!! Our own Joe Giraudo will be presenting “A Basic Introduction to Winlink Express”.
The presentation will be a high-level introduction to radio-based message transmission using Winlink Express with an internet connection, or by various radio modes both vhf/uhf and HF and yes, MESH.
This talk will take the audience on a quick tour of the history of digital messaging systems which were initially developed for maritime use and embraced by the Amateur Radio community for disaster communications.
The presentation will discuss how to build a station, how to navigate the system, some challenges and opportunities. We will also discuss various applications where this might be of value to Amateurs not interested in emergency communications.
Please be aware that the Sheriff’s department has asked that we follow COVID protocols. All attending our meeting will be required to wear a facemask, social distance and if you are feeling ill please stay home. The Club is working on getting our club meeting recorded and then posting them to our website. Please stay tuned for more information.